Dr. Lalit Jain ‘s

Dr. Lalit Jain 's

Ganadhar Ayucare

GANADHAR AYUCARE Situated in center of India Nagpur, a district in Maharashtra state, a green city of Vidarbha and the fastest developing city of Asia. It is one of the Best Pulse Diagnosis and Ayurveda Treatment Center of central India governed and run by Dr.(Vaidya) Lalit Jain.

About Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the science of life, made up of two words Ayu and veda. Ayu means Age and Ved means Knowledge…


Pancha Karma is the cornerstone to Ayurvedic management of disease. This is the process which cure the root cause of the problem.

Detox & Rejuvenate

Experience the detoxification by means of Diet Therapy and rejuvenation techniques of panchkarma in applied ayurveda

Our Treatments

Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Diagnosis)

It is an ancient art of diagnosing diseases by means of pulse and imbalances of doshas i.e. vata ,pitta and kaph. We can get maximum information related with diseases and mind – body relationship with the help of Nadi-parikshan.

Patra Pinda Sweda(PPS)

Whole Body PPS is done by medicated boluses to all over the body. Ekang PPS is done by medicated boluses to the affected body parts. Shashtic- Shali Pinda Sweda is done by the medicated boluses with shali (rice).

Spine care and Treatment

Our centre provide preventive care for spine and back with help of herbal ayurveda oil therapies, marma chikitsa, panchkarma therapies and postural correction exercises, yoga therapies and many more.

Our Services


Nadi Pariksha, It is an ancient art of diagnosing diseases by means of pulse and imbalances of doshas i.e. vata ,pitta and kaph. We can get maximum information related with diseases and mind body relationship with the help of Nadi-parikshan.


Panchkarma means five actions which detoxify excessive imbalances brought in human body by different doshas. Broadly we can say Vaman for kapha imbalance, Virechan for pitta imbalance, Basti or Vasti for vata imbalance for impurity of blood.


Ayurveda plays an important role in identifying a person’s ideal state of balance. It helps to determine where they are out of balance and we try to balance them by Pathya-Apathya. Various diseases occur in our society because of mismanaged lifestyle.

Our Testimonials